Equipirenaica is a company located in the town of Binéfar a few kilometers from the Aragonese Pyrenees belonging to the Euroganaderos group of companies. We are dedicated to the breeding and sale of foal and veal. We export foal and veal meat throughout Europe, but mainly to Italy and Switzerland.
A company with a strong family farming tradition that gives us our values. These values lead us to be very careful and respectful of our animals and our environment.
To get high quality foals and calves there is only one recipe, work and respect for the animals.
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Foals and Calves
High quality specimens to feed Europe

Equipirenaica is a specialist in the breeding and fattening of foals for meat. We select suitable animals and raise them by providing suitable food and exercise to obtain the ideal balance between lean meat and fat meat.

We also dedicate ourselves in th breeding of calves for meat. Following a high standard of animal health, we obtain high quality calves. With first-class animals you get prime meat.

Switzerland and Italy are the main destination for our equine and bovine cattles. Even though, we have capacity to provide meat wherever our clients request us.