Beef Meat


Beef Meat

For wholesalers or large distributors.

We market beef meat for wholesalers and major distributors from all over Europe. All the effort and experience we put into raising and fattening our cattle is rewarded at that time. Our beefs provide meat with optimal fat filtration that our customers particularly appreciate.


We sell the most common beef cuts and custom cuts on request.

venta canales de ternera


The carcass is the whole body of the beef, head and legsless once visceras have been removed.

venta medias canales de ternera

Half Carcasse

This is one of the resulting parts of the carcass section at the level of the spine. The tail usually stays on the left side of the carcass.

venta delantero de ternera

Front Part

This is the anterior part of the half-carcass cut or severed between the fifth and sixth ribs, although it may be cut off at other ribs at the request of the client.

venta traseros de ternera

Rear Part

This is the posterior part of the half-carcass, cut between the fifth and sixth ribs. This piece contains the most popular parts of the beef.

venta bolas de ternera

Round part

venta riñonadas de ternera


It is the piece formed by the low ribs, the ribs, the rib-eye and the steak.

venta falda de ternera


This is the part parallel to the steak.

venta pistola de ternera

Rear Quarter

This is the part of the hindquarter without the flank. It has the shape of a pistol.


The cutting process of our animals is done by real professionals. During this one the different pieces of meat are separated. The meat may be purchased in carcass, halfcarcass, and cut-out portions.

Carcass of cattle meat

According to the regulation of the Community model (EU) 1308/2013, we can differentiate five types of carcasses of cattle:

  • Type A: Young males less than two years old, not castrated.
  • Type B: Males over two years old not castrated.
  • Type C: Castrated males.
  • Type D: Females having farrowed
  • Type E: Females not having farrowed (heifer).

EIn all cases, our cattle carcasses respect the guidelines marked by the current regulations.

Being breeders, we can offer our customers carcasses with different types of fat filtration. From bovine carcasses type 1 (non-fat) to type 5 (very fat), passing for all intermediate stages according to the needs of each client.